Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Daftar Episode Detective Conan *spesial* (Bagian 3)

Kenapa spesial ?
Karena daftar episode DC ini hanya akan mendaftar episode-episode tertentu aja, untuk daftar lengkap episode DC bisa di lihat di sini.

Jadi, inilah dia Daftar Episode Detective Conan *spesial*

-Eps di dalam kurung siku [] adalah episode internasional; eps yang ada di Bstation, apk untuk nonton eps Detektif Conan-

[3/4/22] Daftar Episode Detective Conan *spesial* ini saya partisi lagi karena Bagian 2 juga sudah mulai susah di upload/update.

Untuk Daftar Episode Detective Conan *spesial* (Bagian 1) klik di sini.
Untuk Daftar Episode Detective Conan *spesial* (Bagian 2) klik di sini.
>> Episode yang ada Tooru Amuro/Rei Furuya/Bourbon

[614-615] 563-564: Detective Boys vs. Robber Group (Note: Disguised - Scar Akai)

[629] 578: The Crisis Beckoned by the Red Omen (Note: Disguised - Scar Akai)

[630] 579: The Suggestion of Black Thirteen (Note: Disguised - Scar Akai)

[631] 580: The Black Time Limit Drawing Near (Note: Disguised - Scar Akai)

[632] 581: The Red Shaking Target (Note: Disguised - Scar Akai)

[719-720] 667-668: Wedding Eve

[723-726] 671-674: Detectives' Nocturne

[727] 675: Won't Forgive Even One Millimeter (Part 1) (Note: Disguised - Scar Akai)

[735] 683: The Life-Threatening Broadcast of Love (Enter the Scene)

[751-752] 699-700: The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret 

[754-756] 702-704: The Jet-Black Mystery Train

[757] 705: Conan in a Locked Room

[758] 706: Bourbon Figures it Out

[775] 723: Sweet and Cold Delivery Service (Part 2)

[786-787] 734: Jodie's Memories and the Cherry Blossom Viewing Trap

[793] 740: Bathroom Where Ran Collapsed As Well

[804] 751: The Beckoning Calico Cat Case (Part 1)

[823-824] 770-771: The Tense Tea Party

[832-836] 779-783: A Scarlet Series

[845] 792: Three First Discoverers (Part 1) (Note: Background)

[868] 813: The Shadow Approaching Amuro

[891-892] 836-837: The Unfriendly Girls Band

[921-922] 866-867: The Stage of Betrayal

[927] 872: Conan and Heiji’s Nue Legend

[940-941] 885-886: Riddle Solution at Café Poirot

[953] 898: The Melting Cake! (TV Original)

[980-981] 925-926: Haibara’s Lost Phone Strap

[998-999] 941-942: Search for Maria-chan!

[1009-1011] 952-954: The Unsolved Cocktail Case

[1028-1031] 971-974: The Target is the Metropolitan Police Traffic Department

[1041] 984: Kid vs Komei: The Targeted Lips (Part 2) (Note: Flashback)

[1060-1062] 1003-1005: A Perfect Crime of 36 Squares

[1086] 1029 [WPS1] Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Jinpei Matsuda

[1095] 1038 [WPS2] Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Wataru Date

[1099] 1042 [WPS3] Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Kenji Hagiwara

[1110-1111] 1053-1054: The Spark That Fell on the Ranch

[1117] 1060: Yoko Okino and the Locked Attic (Part 2) (Note: Photo)

[1118] 1061 [WPS4] Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Hiromitsu Morofushi

[1134] R133 [WPS5] Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story CASE. Rei Furuya

[1143] 1085: The Inauspicious Matchmaking (Part 1) (Note: Flashback)

[1163-1164] 1105-1106: Kid vs Amuro: The Queen’s Bangs

[1167-1168] 1109-1110: Takagi and Date and the Notebook Promise

>> Episode yang ada Mary (Unknown Child)

[809] 756: The Tragedy of the Red Woman (Revenge) (Note: Photograph)

[812-813] 759-760: The Romance Novel with the Unexpected Conclusion

[838-839] 785-786: Taiko Meijin's Match of Love

[840-841] 787-788: The Mystery Sinking in the Midsummer Pool

[882-883] 827-828: Ramen So Good, It’s to Die For 2 (Note: Background)

[898-899] 843-844: The Detective Boys in a Grove (Note: Background)

[918-919] 863-864: Soul Detective Murder Case

[936-937] 881-882: The Wizard of The Ripples

[982-985] 927-928: Crimson School Trip Case (1 Hour Special)

[1090] 1033: Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board (Note: Background)

[1102-1103] 1045-1046: The Birthday Party of Divine Punishment

>> Episode yang ada Shukichi Haneda

[783-784] 731-732: The Ex-Boyfriend Living Next to a Crime Scene

[838-839] 785-786: Taiko Meijin's Match of Love

[882-883] 827-828: Ramen So Good, It’s to Die For 2

[904-905] 849-850: The Marriage Registration's Password

[936-937] 881-882: The Wizard of The Ripples

[1028-1031] 971-974: The Target is the Metropolitan Police Traffic Department

[1090-1091] 1033-1035: Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board

[1188-1189] 1130-1131: The Suspected Infidelity of the Triple Collab

>> Episode yang ada Hyoue Kuroda 

[865-867] 810-812: The Darkness of the Prefectural Police

[869-870] 814-815: The Actress Blogger's Locked Room Case

[877] 822: The Suspects Are a Passionate Couple (Part 1) (Note: Background)

[952] 897: The Woman with the White Hand (Part 2)

[964-965] 909-910: The Burning Tent Monster

[998-999] 941-942: Search for Maria-chan!

[1028-1031] 971-974: The Target is the Metropolitan Police Traffic Department

[1061] 1004: The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part 2)

>> Episode yang ada Rumi Wakasa 

[944-945] 889-890: The New Teacher's Skeleton Case

[951-952] 896-897: The Woman with White Hands

[964-965] 909-910: The Burning Tent Monster

[998-999] 941-942: Search for Maria-chan!

[1068-1069] 1011-1012: Picking Wild Plants and Clovers

[1110-1111] 1053-1054: The Spark That Fell on the Ranch

[1117] 1060: Yoko Okino and the Locked Attic (Part 2) (Note: Photo)

[1145] 1087: The Case of Ayumi’s Illustrated Diary 3 (Note: flashback)

[1151-1152] 1093-1094: Akemi Miyano’s Time Capsule

>> Episode yang ada Kanenori Wakita

[549] 502: Clash of Red and Black (Innocence) (Note: Flashback)

[835] 782: The Scarlet Return (Return) (Note: Flashback)

[845-846] 792-793: Three First Discoverers (Note: Black figure)

[863] 808: The Kamaitachi Inn (Part 1) (Note: Flashback as black figure)

[865] 810: The Darkness of the Prefectural Police (Part 1) (Note: Background)

[917] 862: Just Like a 17 Years Old Crime Scene (Part 2) (Note: Background)

[918-919] 863-864: Soul Detective Murder Case (Note: Background & Black figure)

[949-950] 894-895: The Tokyo-Style Detective Show Next Door

[951-952] 896-897: The Woman with White Hands

[998-999] 941-942: Search for Maria-chan!

[1060-1062] 1003-1005: A Perfect Crime of 36 Squares

[1116-1117] 1059-1060: Yoko Okino and the Locked Attic

[1135-1137] 1077-1079: The Black Organization's Scheme

[1143] 1085: The Inauspicious Matchmaking (Part 1) (Note: flashback)

[1152] 1094: Akemi Miyano’s Time Capsule (Part 2)


>> Episode yang ada Momiji Ooka
[929] 874: Conan and Heiji’s Nue Legend (Resolution)

[941] 886: Riddle Solution at Cafe Poirot (Part 2)

[971-972] 916-917: The Kendo Tournament of Love and Mystery

[982-985] 927-928: Crimson School Trip Case (1 Hour Special)

[1081-1082] 1024-1025: Momiji Ooka's Challenge

[1143] 1085: The Inauspicious Matchmaking (Part 1) (Note: flashback)

>> Episode yang ada Okita Soshi
[282-285] 263: The Osaka Double Mystery – The Namiwa Swordsmam and Toyotomi’s Castle (2 Hour Special)

[971-972] 916-917: The Kendo Tournament of Love and Mystery

[974-975] 919-920: The High School Girl Trio’s Secret Cafe (Note: flashback/background)

[982-985] 927-928: Crimson School Trip Case (1 Hour Special)

[999] 942: Search for Maria-chan! (Part 2) (Note: picture)


Awal posting : 19/11/2013
Update terakhir : 7/8/2024
Tulisan berwarna biru untuk episode berpartisi (part 1, 2, dst)
Oleh : Iin Purwanti


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thor, ada eps lanjutan yg amuro masuk rumah kudo utk cari tahu shinici ga ya? Scene yg yusaku akai amuro ngumpul itu

    1. belum ada lanjutannya

    2. Episode berapa ini? Setauku Conan yang ngisi suara yusaku yang nyamar jadi okiya deh, mungkin aku lupa atau kelewat, jadi yg kamu maksud episode berapa?

    3. eps yang dibilang zizi eps 954 (int. 1011), eps yang kamu bilang ini eps scarlet return

    4. Min maaf yang ada organisasi hitamnya ada GK??

    5. Gua di 2024 dan baru2 ini maraton lagi. Dan iyaa cuy, lanjutan amuro yg nyelinap ke rumah kudo belum adaa sampe sekarang. Pdhal gua kepo berat.masih filler semuaaa episode yg selanjutnyaa

    6. eps BO

    7. iya belum ada lanjutannya

  3. Sayangnya nggak ada, bahkan nggak dijelasin di manga. Cuman samar-samar pas arc fbi vs black organization (manga) itupun sekedar bilang: acara minum teh :')

    Conan aja nggak tau mereka ngomongin apaan :"D

    Oh iya, untuk arc fbi vs black organization sedang ongoing kok, tapi lagi filler sekarang, padahal udah 2 episode canon kemarin TvT

    1. Tanggal 25 nanti eps FBI vs BO itu bakal tayang

  4. Thor, yg didalam kurung itu chapter manga atau gmana ?

  5. kak maksudnya eps yang di tanda kurung itu apa ya masih gangerti

  6. Bang terus aktif ya blog ini .. please...

  7. Alhamdulillah blognya aktif terus. Makasihh yaa

  8. Mimiiiin, semangatt updatenyaa aku untuk muuu🙌🏻🙌🏻

  9. minnn, jd sebenernya conan udah tau ttg amuro blm sih?

    1. Bantu jawab, udah yaa, udah lamaa

  10. Kaakkkk, Update lagi dong yg 2024 😭


    Tonton disini aja, lengkap semuanya.

  12. Tolong bikin versi yusaku-yukiko

    1. sudah ada di sini

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